Running like a Mermaid
I completed my first ever 5K race this morning, so now of course, I have to write about. Why? Mostly because I am not a runner. But also because the cacophony of voices that I had to stomp down footstep
I completed my first ever 5K race this morning, so now of course, I have to write about. Why? Mostly because I am not a runner. But also because the cacophony of voices that I had to stomp down footstep
So this most recent stage of development the boys are in reminds me of when they were toddlers. 12 and 13 feels like 2 and 3 just bigger and with more technology. Something we talk about a lot is social
I wasn’t raised with a religion… so I first learned about redemption via recycling PSA’s.The word had a very narrow definition associated with keeping streets clean and something about saving the planet. Minds like mine depend on metaphors for meaningful
Forgive me if I’ve told you this story before. I’m halfway in to a bottle of old zin and reminiscing something fierce. When I was pregnant with my first baby, I went in to get the ultra sound that would
Happy New Year! 2012 will go down as a year of extreme highs and lows. If your 2012 was mellow and consistent, take a moment to congratulate yourself for having enough shock absorbers in place to ride the quakes! You
Today is a horrible day. I’ve received a few phone calls from parents asking me for advice on how to talk to their children about the horrific violence on an elementary school campus. I had yet to speak to my own
Voting in 2012 should not be this dire of a situation. I cast my first vote at the age of 18 during a Presidential election. Bill Clinton’s second term. I voted Democrat across the board. I voted for Barbara Boxer
It’s about to be a busy week, and I’m going to get in to all that, but first I want to do a little confiding. I miss blogging here, in this space. As I’ve transitioned my online presence to a
Sometimes when I open my laptop in the morning, all the awesome just floods in. It’s my own doing of course. I’ve curated my social media streams toward the awesome side of the sexuality news spectrum. Links! Ok, so here’s
This is a really brave post to write. And it’s amazing how radical it is to talk about girls having an innate sex drive. The most compelling statement to me is this: “We learned that we were supposed to be