Welcome to the Sex-Positive Parent!

My name is Airial Clark, I am a San Francisco Bay Area-based parenting expert and sexologist. I offer coaching, counseling and consulting.

Upcoming Workshop June 1st on Treasure Island

Parent Coaching

My goal with coaching parents is always to reduce the awkward. Together, we can identify the gap between what do you wish you could teach your kids about gender and sexuality versus what is it that you are actually modeling to them? Closing that gap allows parents to be their whole selves while showing their children how to be whole too.

I work with parents to understand what their needs are, what their strengths are, and where they are feeling blocked, all to strategize actions to support their particular family.

My coaching helps families understand what their values around sexuality are and how to teach and live them. We get to define our unique version sex-positivity!

What my clients say:

“Airial emanates groundedness mixed with compassion, truth, and confidence. The conversations I have had with her around parenting issues have been very helpful. I’m a satisfied client.” -Jennifer Barbato

“Airial is an amazing mentor, she is wise and sensible. She understands where you are coming from and how to effectively communicate with your children. There is a certain temperament that makes a person helpful in translating how to communicate the delicate relationship with your child and the discussion of sex and their body. All the schooling in the world can’t create an exceptional counselor, that comes from her innate natural emotional openness and her eagerness to help you on your family journey.” -Kelly Younger, mother of two.

Please email me at airialclark@gmail.com for a free 20 minute consultation and to inquire about my rates and availability.

Sexual Health Counseling

As a sexual health and relationship counselor, I am available to process your challenges with sexuality, intimacy and relationships with you. What is keeping you from having the sexual vibrancy you want in your life? Let’s work that out together! For me, counseling is all about connection. I bring the power of gentle, loving kindness in a supportive environment for you to let your walls down and explore what is holding you back. I love working with other parents as they navigate their multiple roles. I bring an intersectional awareness to all of my counseling sessions. Your sexual health matters, I am here to help.

Business Coaching and Consulting

1922203_10103702063232413_1649438742276859688_nI graduated from UC Berkeley when my sons were 6 and 7 years old. I then went on to a social justice based graduate program to research sexuality and gender. I have finished all of my educational goals on time while being a single parent. I share this with you so that you understand the capacity I have to get things done. In 2012, I launched The Sex-Positive Parent with a url and a dream. Today, I am the premier expert on sex-positive parenting, working with parents and professionals all over the world. I lead workshops, teach classes and speak at conferences throughout the U.S.

As both a business coach and consultant, I have helped other brave change makers bring their projects to life. I specialize in new media projects, sex-positive businesses and other sexuality educators. As your coach, I will work with you on a personal level, providing insight and reflection. As your consultant, we will craft your action plan, set deadlines and perform the logistical analysis required for your success. I am a social media maven and communications expert, so let’s get your name out there and your message heard so you can attract the clients you’ve been searching for.

What my clients say:

“Airial is a badass zero bullshit business coach. She’s helped me clarify what I want in my business, where I fit into the market and most importantly come up with clear steps for how to get from where I am to where I want to be. She’s positive, present and pushy at just the right times, and won’t let me back down from asking for and going for what I want and what I’m worth. With Airial’s guidance, I’ve found the clarity and focus in my work that I’ve been seeking for years. It is sucha relief to finally have a plan, and an ally in staying motivated and on target as I execute and inevitably hit bumps along the way. Regardless of what is going on in my business at any given moment, whether it’s successes or struggles, it all feels better knowing that I have the strength and support and expertise of someone like Airial in my court.” - MJ Jossen Mont-Reynaud of PortraitsByMJ.com

“Airial Clark’s skill for strategic planning has helped me get multiple artistic projects off the ground. She has a certain knack for taking my grand ideas and breaking them into doable steps and supporting me each step of the way. Airial helps me be my best self by providing accountability, keeping me goal-oriented and never loosing sight of the big picture. I’m someone who sometimes thinks too big, too soon, so having Airial there to dial me back a bit has kept more than one project from running away from me. She just gets me.” - Shilo McCabe (www.shilomccabe.com)

To book a session or inquire about my rates and availability, email airialclark@gmail.com