I write because I want you to read.
I write because it’s my way of sharing my humanity.
I write with a pen in my journal to whisper secrets to my future self.
I write in a box on a screen to cast my guts into the html super structure.
I write to diffuse my intensity.
I write to alleviate the pressure in a too active mind.
I write to support you in your struggle against whatever demons are chasing you.
I write to hold my demons at bay, to keep them from consuming me.
I write to send a beam into the murky depths of my shadow.
I write to dredge up beliefs, ideas and visions that sink into my being.
I write because I am at once precise and meandering.
I write because I am starved for representation of myself in the world that surrounds me.
I write because I have survived.
I write because I find joy in the process and the product.
I write because I really truly believe that words matter.
I write because I have a passion for this craft.
Now I will learn to speak.
Now I will look you in the eye.
Now I will let my voice shake with the emotion I have been trained to only hint at, to hope for, to allude to.
Now I will pace and prowl my words in front of you.
Now I will hear what I am feeling with my own ears.
Now you will judge the effectiveness of my conveyance; rather than the restraint of my intent.
Now my prayers will be declared to an audience.
Now the only abyss will be the distance between my heart, a speaker and you.
Why I Write…