Sex-Positive Parent Podcast!

Take a listen to the Are You a Sex-Positive Parent Checklist! I made it just for you!

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As I said in the podcast, here is the checklist written out:

Þ Modeling sexually healthy attitudes in your own relationships?

Þ Maintaining a non-punitive stance toward sexuality?

Þ Demonstrating that you are knowledgeable about sexuality?

Þ Discussing sexuality with your children?

Þ Providing age-appropriate information on sexuality to your children?

Þ Trying to understand your kid’s point of view?

Þ Helping your child gain an understanding of your values?

Þ Setting and maintaining limits for dating and other activities outside of school?

Þ Staying actively involved in your son’s or daughter’s life?

Þ Asking questions about friends and romantic partners?

Þ Providing a safe environment for your children?

Þ Offering to assist adolescents in accessing reproductive health care services?

Þ Helping your daughter or son plan for their future?

Þ Seeking appropriate guidance and information for yourself as needed?

Adapted from Facing Facts: Sexual Health for America’s Adolescents, SIECUS, New York, NY, 1995 as posted on

As always, I’m here to help. My job is to be that source of information and guidance for you. You can contact me here to set up a skype date!

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Sex-Positive Parent Podcast!