Take a listen to the Are You a Sex-Positive Parent Checklist! I made it just for you!
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As I said in the podcast, here is the checklist written out:
Þ Modeling sexually healthy attitudes in your own relationships?
Þ Maintaining a non-punitive stance toward sexuality?
Þ Demonstrating that you are knowledgeable about sexuality?
Þ Discussing sexuality with your children?
Þ Providing age-appropriate information on sexuality to your children?
Þ Trying to understand your kid’s point of view?
Þ Helping your child gain an understanding of your values?
Þ Setting and maintaining limits for dating and other activities outside of school?
Þ Staying actively involved in your son’s or daughter’s life?
Þ Asking questions about friends and romantic partners?
Þ Providing a safe environment for your children?
Þ Offering to assist adolescents in accessing reproductive health care services?
Þ Helping your daughter or son plan for their future?
Þ Seeking appropriate guidance and information for yourself as needed?
Adapted from Facing Facts: Sexual Health for America’s Adolescents, SIECUS, New York, NY, 1995 as posted on http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/parents/139?task=view
As always, I’m here to help. My job is to be that source of information and guidance for you. You can contact me here to set up a skype date!
[contact-form] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Topic” type=”select” required=”true” options=”Parenting teens,New Parent,Parenting with an alt sexuality,Co-parenting,Creating communication strategies ,Other” /] [contact-field label=”What can I do for you?” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]