

1. (n.) A behavior of becoming attracted to or aroused by intelligence and its use.

Origins: From the Latin root sapien, wise or intelligent, and Latin sexualis, relating to the sexes.


In all the various ways we seek to label our sexual preferences, to share with others what it is that turns us on, here we have it: Sapiosexual, the closest orientation I feel that defines me. I used to identify as a bibliophile, but I moved past that.

There are many many forms of intelligence: cultural, emotional, structural, historical… Any type of deep seated inner wisdom can be an intellectual prowess that I find irresistible. It is inline with being a Gemini. The dual sides, the double extremes: yes, I do want both depth and surface.

Also, sapiosexuality, for me, transcends hetero/homo sexuality. I flutter like a moth around those lightbulb type beings. A brain sparkling from kinetic energy and the light of insight shining from behind their eyes. I can own that a strong physical attraction matters a lot to me in regards to who I choose to spend my time with. But there is a prime differentiator that I have a hard time explaining.

The intellect that turns me on is one that can not be denied. It is the difference between attempting to prove superiority by wit and a person who just oozes knowledge as a way of being. Beyond contrived conveyance, it is simply how the person moves through their world with trust, with accuracy, with understanding, and with curiosity.

  • Bree

    Truly. I am so glad you shined a light on this word.

  • thepoetryman

    Nicely written… A behavior of becoming attracted to or aroused by intelligence and its use.

    I too am a sapiosexual…

  • maymay

    Another term with the same meaning that is sometimes more accessible to people is “intellisexual,” whose roots are easier for those without etymological training. I wrote a bit about this a while ago, too. 🙂

  • airial

    Great profile, I remember reading it 🙂

    This really struck me:
    “The single biggest turn on anyone can tempt me with is intellectual collaboration. If I find value in your work, you suddenly become very attractive to me. The minds of motivated people who innovate in their fields are brilliantly sexy. I know this sounds corny, but it’s true. I’m an intellisexual, through-and-through.”

    Thank you!

  • Melody Lopack

    This article sang to me. I am an extreme Gemini (almost all of my planets, including the ones of communication and intelligence), so when you touched on that part I found it extremely profound. I just found out that there is a term (sapio…) for what I always thought was “wrong” with me… and this little blurb of yours really tied it together. I also love the last part about how a person has to present it so that it is honest and real.

    In short, thank you!

  • AirialClark

    Thank you for reading! I’m glad you felt a connection.