So much great stuff for a Monday!
Good Vibrations Magazine: Sex Bloggers, Erotica, Toy Contests and Sex Ed Advice:
Good Vibrations is happy to announce ourpartnership with Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific throughout April and May. Its biggest political attack in decades came on February 18, 2011, when the U.S. House of Representatives voted to bar Planned Parenthood health centers from all federal funding. If this dangerous legislation is enacted it will leave millions without basic health care. Good Vibrations is committed to supporting this icon of women’s health and freedom.
‘I Wanna Get You Pregnant’ « Clutch Magazine:
Could these brothas with a case of paternal instinct be really after a family or are they in search of some other kind of twisted fulfillment? And what exactly is so sexy and freaky about telling a girl, “I wanna get you pregnant?” Is it some kind of wordplay foreplay–the new head?
During my late night critical thought mass, another part of my cerebellum wondered, maybe I’m selfish or ungrateful? Should I be happy a guy wants to create a life with me? In a sea of non-committing brothas who choose to come and go, this one was talking children in the first month. But I quickly shot back to my senses. And I thanked God for it.
Jiz Lee » Feminist Porn Awards Fundraiser: MOUTH:
Tristan Taormino‘s newest film is “Rough Sex 3: Adrianna Nicole’s Dangerous Mind“, the latest in her “Rough Sex” series. It stars some pretty amazing people, including some of my friends and people I have met and love, such as Keni Styles, Danny Wylde, Evan Stone, Jada Fire, and of course, the focus of the film, the insatiable Adrianna Nicole.
After a sexy release party in NYC a few weeks ago, Tristan gave me some DVDs hot off the presses to help me with a special fundraiser so that I can raise money to help me get to Toronto for the 6th AnnualFeminist Porn Awards, April 14th-16th. I cannot believe that I am in TWELVE nominations this year! I’m also really juiced about the panel event, which will include Jaiya, Carlos Batts, Drew DeVeaux, and Cheryl Dunye.
The New Gay » Uncommon Ground:
All that aside: these two genders– butch and trans, that is– remain two entirely different entities, ones difficult for their femme partner to navigate with any fluidity, particularly without resentment. A femme will forgive misogyny more readily with a butch, because, after all, she’s a girl too! A femme will forgive narcissism more readily with a trans guy, because, after all, he’s going through puberty, and should be allowed to revel in his new body! What is and isn’t permissible in the realm of being the less discriminated-against half of a queer or lesbian couple? I have no idea. What I do know is that people seem to skate around these issues and pretend they’re not there.
In response to this incident, a friend of ours, along with a group of other strong, like-mi
nded women, decided to take action and created Slutwalk. The idea behind the event was to not only reappropriate the word “Slut” by making it something empowering
instead of shameful, but to also re-enforce the idea that crimes of a sexual nature need to be taken seriously and not brushed under the rug with hateful words and attitudes. No one is asking to be assaulted, period.
and just cuz I love the Oakland Local folks: Social Media for News Sites
That’s where this guide comes in. It’s a roadmap for improving both your understanding of social media and your use of it. This learning module focuses on the principles of authenticity, transparency and crowd-sourced, real-time communication that make social media so strikingly different from traditional media. It will also give you hands-on tools, tips and tactics that can make your daily use of Facebook, Twitter and other resources much more effective.