“Let’s Talk Month” National Campaign

I was asked to participate in this year’s “‘Let’s Talk Month’. This is a national public education campaign celebrated every October, coordinated by Advocates for Youth, to “help parents and their children navigate a path to a healthy life where young people can make healthy and responsible decisions around sex.” Here is an excerpt from my post:

A lot of parents get stuck on how to talk positively about sex without endorsing sexual activity. The assumption is that if we, as parents, talk about how wonderful sex can be, our kids will start to experiment too early, or that they’ll become too knowledgeable for their own good. The fear is also that if we bring up sexuality before our kids are having sex, we’re overstepping a boundary; that we are somehow ruining their innocence. I like to point out that there is a big difference between innocent and ignorance.

Read more of my post, Sex-positive person, sex-negative parent? at the Advocates for Youth site.

“Let’s Talk Month” National Campaign