Important Announcements!

I’ve Come Along Way
Since graduating with my Master’s degree in Sexuality Studies in May, I have experienced some amazing successes. From presenting my original research at a national conference to publishing my first ebook to being interviewed on international radio networks, I am beginning to fill the role of sexuality education expert.

It’s Time to Move Forward - 12 City Book Tour & Workshop Series!
I am very proud of the hard work I am putting into The Sex-Positive Parent and now it is time to move forward.

I am thrilled to announce my Strategies For Sex-Positive Parenting 12 city book tour and workshop series starting in February 2013.

As we speak, I am writing the first ever parenting guide based on both personal experience of the day to day realities of raising children and an advanced understanding of the social, emotional and physical aspects of sexuality. Also, the book is being written in my voice. So you know it will be both humorous and down to Earth.

New Partnership with the Seed It Project!

To make this book and workshop tour happen, I’ve joined forces with a phenomenal new start-up incubator based out of NYC, The Seed It Project.

YOU CAN SUPPORT The 12 City Tour: Buy a VERY cool T-shirt, Baby Onesie or Laptop Sticker

Right now crowd funding is the popular way to go, but I sincerely believe that you should receive something meaningful, tangible & guaranteed in exchange for any monetary support you offer to me. The Seed It Project’s collective marketplace provides a way for me to do that.

I have very specific funding goals I need to meet in order to launch the next phase of The Sex-Positive Parent.
So, I’ve designed some cool T-shirts, a Baby Onesie & even a laptop sticker to support my zero-to-traction funding efforts.

Over the next few months, I’ll add fun events & even some one-off workshops to the collective market place, to change things up a bit.

Purchasing any item in the Seed It Project collective market place helps toward reaching my funding goal, but purchasing my designs specifically helps a little more 🙂
Check out my designs on the “Favorite Products” tab on my profile page right HERE Sex-Positive Parent Profile

Thank you so much for your support! It’s appreciated more than words can say 🙂


Important Announcements!
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