I’ll be at CatalystCon East on a panel of sex-positive parents!

How (and why) to Be a Sex Positive Parent

On the panel: Lanae St. John, Airial Clark, Lidia Anain Bjorkquist, Alyssa Royse

Twitter Hashtag: #cconparent Saturday March 16, 2024 4:15pm- 5:20pm


Kids these days! They’re exposed to sex and sexuality in ways that we never were. Sexting, Youtube, online porn, advertising, even kids TV shows are sexualized in ways that children may not understand. And let’s not forget the politics of both our government and school-yards across the country. All of these factors and more make the challenge of raising children who feel safe in their own sexuality, and grow into adults who are empowered in their sexuality, a daunting task. This panel of experts on sex-positive parenting will provide a functional framework to identify sexual messages that children face, and how-to tactics to talk to kids about sex and sexuality. Sharing funny anecdotes and academic knowledge, these savvy sex-positive parents have been there, done that, and will help you do it too.

For more information on Catalyst Con click here!

I’ll be at CatalystCon East on a panel of sex-positive parents!