Happenstance and Happenings

How is summer almost over already? This has been a busy season. I’m excited to announce that I’ll be co teaching a workshop on radical parenting at this year’s Symbiosis Gathering! Joining forces with Tomas Moniz continues to be a fantastic experience. Symbiosis is on the Autumnal Equinox, so swimming all day, dancing all night, camping out with Saul Williams, is the perfect way to end this summer.

Speaking of Rad Dad, it’s relaunching! Alongside Hip Mama, Rad Dad is moving to a bigger format and distribution. There’s only a few days left to grab an annual subscription to both Rad Dad and Hip Mama, it’s a perk for supporting Rad Dad’s relaunch. Here is what Tomas has to say about where he’s been and where he’s hoping to go:

From the start Rad Dad’s mission has been about providing space for everyday fathers (and parents and allies) to explore the complexities of parenting, to confront racism and sexism, to create conversations about how to be a loving engaged and committed father to those in our families. I hope to continue and expand this mission by increasing our visibility and access. My goal is to raise money to increase distribution and redesign the format.

You can check out the video Tomas made here!

After Symbiosis, I’ll be starting the new Fall season presenting, not one, but TWO sessions at CatalystCon West. I’m super excited to be on panels with several amazing and brilliant parents. You can check out the sessions I’m at here: http://catalystcon.com/sessions-west/#parenting.

Other things going on, I had another article up in the SFBG, a book review of the new children’s book, What Makes A Baby. I was thrilled to meet Cory Silverberg while presenting at Gender Spectrum in Berkeley last month. We then co-facilitated a workshop together at the Good Vibrations store in SF too. That was super awesome. Collaborations make the world go round. I’m excited to keep working with Cory.

I had the honor of reading at Beast Crawl! You can watch my reading of Slut Shaming on the Playground on You Tube! I was in a line up of truly inspiring writers. Many thanks to Saturday Night Special for having me.

I started a new research gig too. Using my degree makes me ridiculously happy. I’m working for an anti-racist grassroots think-tank. Yup. It’s a dream job. Whole new field to explore and people to meet. Plus I get to be a data geek. I love being a data geek.

Oh! And my elder son raced in his first international regatta!! I am so so so proud of him. One of my main parenting goals is to facilitate opportunities for my kids that I never had the chance to experience. And this was a big one.



Happenstance and Happenings