Gemini Sight

2011 Pride/Dyke March

I’m writing about body size and sexuality right now for Oakland Local and the Sex Positive Photo Project.

I love that I walk my talk. I love not being a spectator.

My friend texted me this the other day: “I need a job where I can be fat, naked, colored and proud.” I thought for a moment, then replied with some tongue and cheek options. She is amazing: smart, brave, sexy and real as fuck. She is also 22. Twenty-freakin-two and she already has that much figured out. At 22 I was having babies and clueless. I kinda knew what I didn’t want, but hadn’t reached the place where I could articulate what it was that I did want.

2011 Pride/Dyke March

There is so much power behind statements of desire. I want to be naked. I want to be respected. I want to be loved. I want to be real. I want to be involved. I want to be caring. I want to be honest. I want to be brave. I want to be vulnerable. eek! That last bit is always a tough one to cop to.Vulnerable.

But really, that is what my friend was saying… fat, naked, colored and proud. I want to be at that place where I put the defenses down too. We all want to be somewhere where we don’t have to hide, apologize or fight. Through a lot of love and conscious effort, my home feels that way to me and I’m trying my best to spread the comfort around.



Gemini Sight
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  • http://N/A Alex

    I think I came across your blog via Twitter….I want to tell you how refreshing it is, really. Like your friend I too wish I could be in a space whereas I feel free to be me. I wish I would have followed my dreams when I was younger. I wish my work was not really work, but my life. Kudos to you, and I hope your friend keeps wishing, and finds the space she wants to be in….sooner than later.

  • airial

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for reading and your words of encouragement. Very much appreciated.

    Be well!