Sexy is as sexy does?
Let’s start with the overwhelmingly well received Slut-Shaming post I wrote for the Good Vibrations Mag. It’s been up for just over a week and at the moment, it’s at over 11,000 hits, over 3000 people have liked it on
Let’s start with the overwhelmingly well received Slut-Shaming post I wrote for the Good Vibrations Mag. It’s been up for just over a week and at the moment, it’s at over 11,000 hits, over 3000 people have liked it on
This is such a great post on sexuality. It’s deep, dense and real. I don’t know the writer, but the blog, Bi radical is articulating what a lot of people are feeling: Before I write - a disclaimer: this post
Technically, I think this is safe for work… I don’t know how to credit this image properly. I follow Queen Takes Night on Tumblr and this is the imagery posted most often. I haven’t seen anything else like it. And
A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved. -Kurt Vonnegut, Sirens of Titan I’ve had this blog over a year. I remember my last valentine’s post. A graphic
“We live in a culture that puts so much pressure on women to box themselves in. We’re taught that there is too great a cost for us to indulge in questioning and exploration, that time is of the essence, that
“There’s no bad reason to love someone.” - Stephen Elliot from The Daily Rumpus email “Rumblings” 02/06/11. Is that the proper way to cite an email? Where are my damn handbooks… now which one is appropriate for a personal blog?
In my program we get asked to define ‘sex’ on a pretty regular basis. It’s not an easy word to define. Really, we’ve chosen three letters to represent a huge wide ever expanding list of actions, feelings, instincts and observable
Our character is a 32 year old single mother of 2 elementary school aged children on the last day of her first semester of graduate school. She has many goals to meet on this day and very many ways to
In working with Shilo and The Sex Positive Photo Project, I got the chance to interview Queer Porn stars Courtney Trouble and Tina Horn as they launch Queer Porn TV. It’s super adult content so I can’t repost it here,
How many times have you heard the expression “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” usually accompanied by a toothy grin and maybe a wink? I’ve heard it. And I can respect it. And now I’m co-opting it. Changing it