
Are you?

Are you trying your best To make it back home to me? Working and caffeinating, Smoking and cursing, Fidgeting In a city where you belonged once upon a time? Are you trying your best To make it back home to


liminal |ˈlimənl| 1. of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. 2. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold. Liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning “a threshold”[1]) is a psychological, neurological, or metaphysical subjective

Locking Doors

I have a hard time locking doors, or even closing them, I don’t trust them to protect me I don’t believe in them. To me, a deadbolt is a talisman; a signal to the universe, a prayer for protection: I’m